Parish Council
The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activites within the parish.
The objective of the Pastoral Council if to assess adequately the needs of the whole parish and its members, and to develop, implement, and evaluate a pastoral plan which will promote the common good of the parish.
Spiritual Life Commission
"The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fountain from which all her power flows" (Constitution on the Liturgy)
The Spiritual Life Commission is responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating parish prayer and worship. This commission will promote programs which will enhance the spiritual well-being of the parishioners, remembering that the Eucharist is the focal point of parish life.
Education Commission
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation" (Mk16:15) In this statement, Jesus reminds us of the importance of the educational ministry of the Church to people young and old. It is the "responsibility" of this commission to join with others in carrying out the commitment of handing on the faith to this generation and future generations as they take up the charge to "go and teach." The purpose of this commission is to coordinate the educational effort of the whole parish.
Commission On Family And Community Concerns
"Whatever you did for one of these least brother of mine, you did for me." (Mt. 25:40). Jesus' timeless exhortation serves as a reminder that we are all united in Christ. The constant stress and pressure place on our families and community make the activities of the Commission on Family and Community concerns essential in the continuing renewal and well being of our parish, families and community.
The Commission on Family Life and Community Concerns recognizes singles and couples, young and old, advantaged and disadvantaged, etc., as "family" who exist in, and are affected by, the environment of their community, which can encompass the home, parish and beyond. This commission deals with those activities that may enhance and promote the dignity and well being of the family and its environment.
Buildings And Maintenance Commission
An important function in any parish is to provide the proper physical facilities for worship and other parish activities through a regular maintenance program and improvements to the parish property.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest during Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. Alter Servers are an important part of our church. Any boy or girl who has made their First communion, is in the 3rd grade or higher, interested in becoming an Altar Server should contact either the Rectory (267-3622) or Kathy Ridz (267-4069).
Proclaimers of the Word of God Lectors, sometimes called readers, are called to proclaim the Word of God at our liturgies. By reading aloud the Sacred Scriptures as we worship together, they are a living sign of our unity in Christ.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers, along with the priest and on occasion, deacon, assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during Mass and bringing it to the homebound.
The choir is made up of both children and adults directed by Keith Richardson. Keith also plays the organ. This talented group shares their musical gift during both weekend Masses.
Hospitality Ministers
Following Christ's example of welcoming all with open arms, our hospitality ministers open doors and warmly greet all that come to worship with us. Hospitality Ministers may also pass the baskets during the offertory, clean up the church before the next Mass and distribute the bulletin.
Martha and Mary Bereavement Ministry
As Jesus comforted Mary and Martha, the parish community can reach out to comfort those who mourn. The Martha and Mary is a group of volunteers who minister to bereaved families by helping to cook and serve food, as well as set up and clean up the Parish hall if it has been used for a reception after a funeral.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry brings together people who share a similar interest to share in fellowship and to put to use the talent of knitting and crocheting to create prayer shawls that will be given away to help spread the message of God’s mercy, love and compassion. The mission of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to provide hope, comfort, and healing.
If you are interested in becoming a part of any of the above ministries please contact the Rectory. (267-3622)